Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Life in the mountains....

What a great little spot Bega is, and with the Caravan Park on the outskirts of town and off the highway it was a very quiet night.

Today I took off in search of corners and travelled down into Victoria again before heading back up through the mountains to Bombala, then back up to highway B72 for the 60 k's of winding road back down into Bega.

Todays Route

The town of Bombala - (Bombala Bakery to my left - nice coffee and great pies)

I've seen heaps of birds over the past few days. Sulphur Crested Cockatoo, Galas, Blackbirds, Crows, Rosella, and dive bombing Magpies.

Unfortunately, the cockatoos were amongst the road kill today. When they get hit, the others all sit on the road beside them and this leads to more getting hit. A sad sight indeed.

The other animal over represented in the road kill numbers over the last few days is the wombats. Literally dozens of these laying dead by the side of the road, another sad statistic.
Birdlife in the caravan park in Bega